Such is Life: The View of an Oppesimist


For those of you who have read my wife’s blog (Faridatul), you would undoubtedly ask yourself, are they divorcing? Haha no laaa!!!!!

No actually would probably ask yourself the same question she asked. Why is it that sometimes things are never enough? We always want more. More than we have and more than we can handle (or afford).

This question can never be answered. Because we won’t allow ourselves to answer the age old question, are we satisfied?

Sure some optimist might say, yes I am satisfied. My life is the best life anyone can possibly imagine. My bedroom is full of pink lilies and my closet is the size of the Grand Canyon. My shoes make me fly and when I plant a tree it grows higher than KLCC.

Right? Optimists are crazy.

Whilst the pessimist would go on life saying things are never enough. Things never go well for me. This black is not black enough, it should black to the point of oblivion. This sunflower doesn’t look like a sun. It looks like that scary baby in Tele-Tubbies. This car doesn’t go VVvvvvrrrooomm, it goes, Vvvoooommm (without the ‘r’). Aaargh life’s stupid!

Right? Pessimists are weird.

Life is never perfect. Life can make you turn one way (as you desire) and sometimes force you turn the other way (as you oppose). That’s life.

Like any cook would say, too much or too less of something, the food you cook (or bake whatever) would not be cooked right. The ingredients must be perfect. Too much baking soda, the cake will flatten -- Ironic considering baking soda’s supposed too make the cake inflate (or flourish, or…what’s the word?!)

So instead of being an optimist, or a pessimist, everyone should find the balance between both. It makes you better prepared. Like the Boy Scout’s motto, ‘always be prepared’. Indeed being the balance of both is. Be an oppesimist, or a pessoptimist.

When you want something, you can’t get, you take it as something that’s negative. Why not? It is negative. It is something you failed to achieve, or receive. Don’t deny the fact that it is negative. If you do, you will die. Haha tak pasal. No, if you do, then you will harbor too much hope to the point that, if you fail again, you will die. Haha no!

So anyway…however, it is not the end of the world. The optimism comes in the form that you can try harder, or that it’s for the better. Look at the positive, out of the negative. Both are present. Optimists aren’t necessarily better than pessimists. But both have got their strong points. The world needs that balance!

So why are we always unsatisfied? No clue. Maybe it’s because there are too many things in life that we are bound to want some and lose some. No one gets everything. Can Bill Gates build the Pyramid? I’m sure he wants to if he’s given the chance to be as legendary as the Egyptian Pharaohs. Not possible though. Can George Bush win the hearts of every American? Not possible.

To my wife,

No there’s nothing wrong with wanting. There’s no wrong in asking for it. There’s no wrong in feeling hard done by, if you don’t get it. But truthfully, I would give more than half of my life for you -- if that’s what you want. However, I cannot give you every material thing in the world.

You don’t ask a lot from me. You don’t want that many things. You’re not wrong in wanting most of the things you want. I never fault you if you’re angry. I don’t care if you release some of your dissatisfaction on me.

But life’s not easy and I have tried my best to accommodate all that I can. I will try harder next time. Don’t be disappointed hon, I promise to make things easier for you. I promise I'll provide better.

I know you will say, “it’s okay, you have done more than enough” (or something to that effect - hey I know her well), but nothing is ever enough. Like I said before, I am an oppesimist and my mind is set: Things are never enough, but then again it is never going to be enough. I shall live my life fulfilling what I can, but leaving gaps on what I can never fill. Such is life - I have got to face reality. I hope you do too.

Love you hon!