Last Friday was historic for this family, we got ourselves a camera. A good one but with slight defect considering we don't have enough money to buy certain equipments. We bought a Canon camera, EOS 450D (a.k.a. Rebel XSi if you're Japanese and other weird countries with similar gedikness).
So I've test it several times and we're lucky that the store had the camera in stock ready for us just before we went on a trip to Janda Baik with my wife's family and relatives.
After a brief trial and error, my review of the camera would be that it's quite good. Satisfactory. But considering that before this I only have a Yashica SLR camera which is old, so this camera is great! (of course we haven't yet paid the full amount). So next item on the list is a camera flash thingy (the built in flash is highly annoying) and a better lens (the kit lense has its limits).
So here's a collection of some of my earliest tests - "of Nur Alya Sofeah" (click the name)
Haven't yet got the time to upload the Janda Baik pictures.
Well, we're off to a children's birthday party and more picture taking!
OMG that grin is sooooo fariddddd!!!!!
Upload gmbr janda baik cepat2..nk tgk! best xfamily day hr tu?
haha ok la family day...sofeah je tak minat sangat sebab dia kan pampered..haha.
tapi gambar janda baik lambat sikit la nak upload, skrg busy siapkan gambar birthday party..byk sangat.
ohohoh..sofeah2..korg redah hutan ke hape..
owh yeke..xpela..nnti dh upload bgtau yeh..birthday party sape plk?
birthday party anak akak sedara..
haa tentang janda baik tu akan ada blog entry nnt bila gambar dah siap..
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